This is the schedule for the Year 3 Semester 2. Although there seems to be a lot of stuff to learn, and I may not complete all of them within one semester, I’ll try my best to follow the schedule. Some details may be altered according to time limitation.
From Jan 4 to Jun 17, 2016
Self Learning
Online Judge Training
- Leetcode
- Lintcode
- HackerRank
- May add more …
New Knowledge
- Node.js + Express
- Try to create a working website which server side is based on Node.js
- Maybe learning as well
- AngularJs(JavaScript)
- Try to use it while building the website
- JavaScript framework(useful)
- AngularJs is popular now
- Laravel(PHP)
- Learning one framework for PHP may be helpful
- One of the most popular PHP frameworks
- Maybe elegant? Like RoR? No idea…
- Others(Learn Basic)
- iOS
- Android
- React & React Native
- NUS modules
- …(TBD)
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Operating System
- Database
- Network
- Java
- Java Interview Questions
- Java 8
- JavaFx
- C language
- Pointer, memory address, array…
- Read books
- Web
- HTML + CSS + JavaScript + PHP + MySQL
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- Others
- Python(may have a look at django?)
- C++(Coding Exercises?)
- C#(Coding Exercises?)
- …(TBD)
Work harder, study harder, code harder, for a better future life.